A Minion Missive

Excerpted from the comments for awesome…

Dear SG,

Please allow me to express my complete disagreement with your assertion that your minions, and in my case, underling (I’ve been called both, in public, by patients I was caring for.) don’t care that you devote every day to the care and feeding of your assembled snooch addicts, snark gobblers, and general ne’er do wells.

Umbrage, I say!

Just because we are ungrateful little stooges who fail to recognize, and subsequently adulate the unflagging effort you put into this blog should no way lead you think that we hold you in any less than the devotional adoration you so deeply need, er, I mean richly deserve.

I only come to your site 4 or 5 times daily because my wife keeps poking her head in my office to catch me snootchificatin’.

Yours cordially,


Now, more snootch if you please.

Well, if I were standing, I’d stand corrected. But as chairman of the Spassfabrik Party, I only stand for hummers. I recline for most everything else, just like Lisa…


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  1. DaninVan

     /  March 15, 2013

    ‘If dominated I’ll respectfully recline.’

  2. Devotional adoration deserved, indeed 😉

  3. Required, LC. Did no one do the reading? 😉

  4. LK?? Feel again 😆

  5. Fixed it. Speaking of that. I should go visit Lemur King, See if he’ll re-send me some of that art he did for me.

Yeah, so?