Just A Reminder…

If you’re not reading Chris Muir every day…


You should be. I read this one at Theo’s. My bad.

Kenny’s Hockey Stick

Kenny's Hickey StickLate Friday, Wirecutter pimped the new Soylent address and, as a result, sent more than 1,000 snoochers my way on Saturday. Thanks Kenny.

He had always sent a reliably reasonable number of daily visitors to my previous sites, but never a surge like that. What I found interesting is his cadre of international minions. As you are probably aware, Google now uses country-specific servers/routers. WordPress stats segregate their users accordingly. Check out where some of the minions Kenny (ogdaa.blogspot) referred logged in from:

Screen Shot 2013-03-16 at 2.13.02 PM(Click to embiggenify, if needed.)

Not surprisingly, the gun-phobic Pommies are nowhere to be seen at Kenny’s, but as with my general audience, the Canucks and Aussies are the next biggest crew. But, the Netherlands? India? Singapore…? Damn, Kenny. Good work.

Now back when I had 5000+ visitors a day, I’d have reciprocated. But as I only managed to send 9 people there with this yesterday, it seems a bit pointless. On the other hand, in my quest to re-find some of my old art I found my Chain Bra Linky Love Girl, Juliane. So…

Juliane-Raschke-5(You may want to embiggenify that.)

…Go show Kenny some love–all 9 of you. You never know, he might have some new cameltoe. 😉 Yeah, I had to find that again too.

If All You See Is…*

A planet-killing plastic water bottle…


You might be a Warmer/EUnuch/Socialist Eco-tard.

*A special shoutout to William Teach at Pirate’s Cove.

Yeah, I’ve Been That Fucked Up*

I Got This

Yeah, baby…We gonna get busy…I’m gonna be on you like… zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

*Homage de Wirecutter.

The Ultimate Green FAIL Symbol


That’s right. It collapsed in Kyoto! Bwuhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

A Minion Missive

Excerpted from the comments for awesome…

Dear SG,

Please allow me to express my complete disagreement with your assertion that your minions, and in my case, underling (I’ve been called both, in public, by patients I was caring for.) don’t care that you devote every day to the care and feeding of your assembled snooch addicts, snark gobblers, and general ne’er do wells.

Umbrage, I say!

Just because we are ungrateful little stooges who fail to recognize, and subsequently adulate the unflagging effort you put into this blog should no way lead you think that we hold you in any less than the devotional adoration you so deeply need, er, I mean richly deserve.

I only come to your site 4 or 5 times daily because my wife keeps poking her head in my office to catch me snootchificatin’.

Yours cordially,


Now, more snootch if you please.

Well, if I were standing, I’d stand corrected. But as chairman of the Spassfabrik Party, I only stand for hummers. I recline for most everything else, just like Lisa…


Blogasm: Droning Drivel

Well, for the week or so that I’ve been here–without pimpage from the old site, or four years worth of snark or archives de snoocherie to entice minions–traffic is averaging about 12 percent of where it was. I based that on yesterday’s total and today’s pre-noon count. I skipped Monday because of the boost from Wombat over at Stacy’s So my first target average will be around 18 percent, just over 1k per day. With luck I’ll get to 50 percent, around 3k, by the end of the year.

But since you guys don’t care, on with the marketing campaign!


Forgot One

Last night’s overnight open thread at Ace’s began with a quiz about identifying popular children’s books. But it left out an important one…

vhc(Stolen from Sanyo.)

Riddle Me This Code Monkey Crusader…

I was booted from the old WordPress digs, ostensibly for an impermissible level of pr@n. Now, here, I am getting “likes” and “follows” from folks I never saw before. Some, like the one photographer I thought had neat stuff, I linked in the Brain Candy widget. And then, today, I got a two likes and a follow from these guys…

Screen Shot 2013-03-11 at 7.03.30 PM(Click to embiggenify.)

You can see in the top left-hand corner that it’s a WordPress blog, which, as you can also see, links to a self-hosted–I presume–retail site. I grabbed this screenshot–it’s just the first product on their page today. I was going to just post their avatar, but for some reason it wouldn’t blow up.

I certainly hope that’s not an indictment of their other…products. 😉

Now, why was my old site shut down again? In all the excitement, I can’t seem to remember.

Let’s Try This Again, Shall We?


Welcome to my latest attempt at Soylent Green. As you might gather from the above animation, I am still just a bit put out for having been put out of the old digs by the Cursed Code Monkeys. Apparently, “close-ups of genitalia” was the ne plus ultra of TOS violations for which I was evicted from my previous abode–because the only other no-noes listed under their mature site guidelines are explicit sexual activity and child pr@n, neither of which ever applied to Soylent.

Full disclosure: okay, there were links to explicit sites, but they were marked non-public and never saw the light of day. I suspect, however, that their mere existence may have been enough to call down the lightning.

Still, my visceral reaction to “I know it when I see it” censorship is always…


Meh, I can live with a slightly less gynecological bevy of bodacious.

But what really pisses me off, is that I have, so far, been unable to export all the old material. Ergo, I have lost (permanently I fear) classic material such as the Harbqll, McGoo, Lemur King, Soylent ShutDown of The Weblog Awards after voting RealClimate a finalist for Best Religious Blog, the Link Of A Lifetime from Jerry Pournelle and of course, all memory of the 30,000 hit single-day record provided by Catalina Robayo. My reaction to that…?


So, while I dislike the idea of starting from scratch with only Site Y’s limited visibility for pimpage, I will…soldier on.


What, it’s still Fursday, isn’t it? Fly my minions, fly!