Hockey Stick Explained: Mannian Math

Picture 2

Greenhouse Gases causes more than 100 % of the observed warming. Must be observing it on Mercury because this planet hasn’t seen any for 17 years. This is easily the front-runner for Top O’ Teh Twit.

H/T Tom Nelson

BUMPED: Yeah, I had to put this back on top. The Acid joke is still there–but this is way funnier.


This May Well Be The Day We Say Marks The Begining Of The End For The Thermageddon Hoax

t7VBpThis may be it, because they’ve all gone stark raving batshit at once. And John Q. Public can’t miss it. He will look at this just like he looked at Howard Dean…Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Ha!!! And he will say, “These people are rat-fuck crazy.”

First we had the Marcott-Shakun Dating Service that, instead of saving the Hockey Stick, made it an even bigger laughing-stock; then we got Paul Krugman calling for AGW Denialists to burn in hell for their heresy against the Church of Carbon Come, and then McKibben went from “Weepy” to “Creepy” with the full Van Jones treatment, saying only a huge influx of illiterate Latinas from the slums of San Salvador coming here and having 17 kids can save the country because “White America” refuses to vote for Eco-totalitarianism.

And to top it off, we got Joe Rohm’s Climate Forecast


Rat. Fuck. Crazy. Joe obviously didn’t get the memo about Marcott. Heh.

All of this–all of it, is circulating the hyperverse at the same time. This, as my father used to say, is Tobruk.

And when President Fairway continues to spout “Climate Justice” Communist doggerel, and continues to appoint loons like Hansen to falsify data so he can pretend to believe his own bullshit, even the faithful will look at him and say, “Ya know, that motherfucker’s lookin’ for a rat.”

When The Hoax Hour Is Late…

You must re-date. Yes, the latest, much-hyped “New-And-Improved Hockey Stick” that the Red Estate assures us proves global warming–though there hasn’t been any in 17 years–is in freefall. Steve McIntyre does it again with the Marcott-Shakun Dating Service.

First, from Marcott’s own PhD thesis…

thesis-short1And, after adjustments, the one published in Science magazine…

figure-1cThis may be even more damaging to the Mann Carbon Cabal than his original bogus chart because of all the “it’s true” hype. How much hype will there be when Science retracts the submission? That was rhetorical, of course.

UPDATE via Steve Goddard:

Picture 1


The Ultimate Green FAIL Symbol


That’s right. It collapsed in Kyoto! Bwuhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.